
What is involved in Mandatory Training?

Mandatory Training Courses are training courses that employers are expected to provide for their staff in order to meet statutory requirements. Statutory requirements include the Health and Safety at Work Act, local authority requirements, and the requirements specified by the Care Quality Commission. It is the legal responsibility of all care organisations to provide their staff with Health and Safety Awareness training, which includes courses such as Fire Safety. Moving and Handling training is also mandatory and if the staff will be required to prepare food or assist during meal times, this means that Food Safety and Hygiene training will also be a Mandatory requirement.

What Mandatory training courses do Embark offer?

Below is a list of the Mandatory Training Courses that we here at Embark Learning have to offer:

Laws and regulations relating to courses

  • Equality & Diversity – Equality Act 2010 & Human Rights Act 1998
  • Fire Safety – Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 & Statutory requirement (Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)
  • Health and Safety – Statutory requirement (Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)
  • Human Rights – Equality Act 2010 & Human Rights Act 1998
  • Manual Handling – Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992 as amended, and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999
  • Safeguarding Adults – Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  • Safeguarding Children – Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Why should someone do mandatory training, and what are the benefits?

Although Mandatory Training is not required by law to be completed by staff, it has many benefits and is thus done by a large number of businesses.
One of the main reasons that companies provide their staff with Mandatory Training is because it then allows all of the staff to be on the same page and have the same standards. Mandatory Training for all staff is a great way to spread the knowledge and quality across the board. This will reduce the risk of organisational weaknesses while creating consistency.

Furthermore, ensuring that all staff take part in CQC Mandatory Training is a great way of increasing their motivation. The reason for this is that when a company or business pays for their staff to take part in Mandatory Training, it helps to make them feel valued by the company as it shows you want them to improve their skills and knowledge.

Lastly, if it is known that a company provides Mandatory Training for their staff, it is very much likely to boost the reputation of that company as it shows that they have high standards and expect all of their staff to be working to the same quality whilst also complying with local policies. In turn this will shine a good light on the company which could result in financial increases over time.

Why should someone choose to do mandatory training with Embark Learning?

Here at Embark Learning we have a vast amount of knowledge and experience when it comes to Mandatory Training. Over the years we have seen our company expand, learn and improve in the delivery of our training course which end up leaving staff feeling motivated, refreshed and important.

Contact us today for more information!