Our Promise

Partnerships & Quality Promise


We pride ourselves on delivering high quality, accredited Health and Social Care programmes. Our high expectations are set at board level via our Code of Governance.

This focuses on:

  • Putting learners first
  • Promoting high expectations and ambitions for learners and staff
  • Listening to learners, employers and staff
  • Promoting inspirational teaching, learning and assessment 

We have a detailed Quality Framework Implemented by our Quality Board. The overriding aim of
this is to achieve excellence in teaching, learning and assessment. Our Self-Assessment Report and

Quality Improvement Plans set the standard for delivery and reflect the latest Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

Currently our accreditations are offered through NCFE, Cache and HABC and we have direct claims for all our qualifications.

Ofsted provider awarded ‘Good’ in all areas

Embark Learning Care Academy’s first full Ofsted inspection has been very positive, with the provider awarded ‘Good’ in all areas.

Embark Learning Care Academy is an established training provider, which helps carers, new or fully qualified, develop and acheive nationally recognised qualifications and has done so, with great success for the last 10 years, throughout the West Midlands.

In the feedback provided by Ofsted, inspectors stated that “Leaders demonstrate a clear rationale for the curriculum they offer” and “The curriculum provides learners with the knowledge and skills that they need to progress successfully to employment, specifically in health and social care settings.”

The Matrix Standard

Embark Learning Care Academy are accredited to the Matrix Standard, demonstrating the high quality Information Advice and Guidance services we provide to leading and future Health and Social Care professionals.

The Matrix Standard is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG), either as their sole purpose or as part of their service offering. The report suggested that “The clearly defined focus on the organisation’s strengths and specialist delivery area ensures provision is of the highest quality and effectively meets the needs of learners and partners.

The leadership team of Embark Learning has developed an enabling ethos of continuous improvement within the team. There have been high levels of investment in technology and resources, in particular the ongoing investment in the online learning platform, Skills Lab and IT Suite. This has enabled staff to deliver high quality training both in centre and online and resulted in them feeling highly valued for the work they do.”


We have extensive, productive working relationships with a wide range of partners and stakeholders. These ensure our delivery is effective and ultimately meets the needs of learners and employers.

Our Funders

Our Supporters
