
Online Course Bundles

At Embark Learning, we are committed to making training and development as affordable and accessible as possible. We believe that a better trained and skilled workforce is key not only to companies and individuals reaching their own goals, but also the positive impact on the standard of safety, care and service people receive.

With that in mind we’ve put together a range of course bundles that meet particular needs, giving participants a thorough grounding in different skill sets. Anyone who completes the courses in each bundle will gain considerable skills and knowledge to benefit their employer and future career development.

See all of our online course bundles below:


Basic Fire Safety Awareness (£25.00) Infection Control (£35.00) Level 2 Food Safety – Catering (£25.00) Manual Handling (£35.00) Safeguarding Adults (£35.00) Workplace Health and Safety (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £190.00


Display Screen Equipment Awareness (£25.00) Infection Control (£35.00) Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £95.00

Mental Wellbeing and Working Effectively from Home

Display Screen Equipment Awareness (£25.00) Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (£65.00) Mental Health Awareness (£25.00) Objective Setting (£35.00) Principles of Communication (£25.00) Stress Management (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £210.00

Individual Safety within the Workplace

Behavioural Safety (£35.00) Fire Extinguisher (£25.00) Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers (£35.00) Introduction to Risk Assessment (£35.00) Noise Awareness (£35.00) Personal Protective Equipment (£35.00) Slips, Trips and Falls (£35.00) Working in Confined Spaces (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £270.00

Staff Safety within Nurseries and Schools

Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage (£25.00) Learning Disability Awareness (£25.00) Mental Health Awareness (£25.00) Paediatric First Aid (£35.00) Positive Handling in Schools (£25.00) Safeguarding Children (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £170.00

Using Social Media Effectively for Businesses

Cyber Security (£35.00) Facebook for Business (£90.00) LinkedIn for Business (£90.00) Social Media for Business (£149.00) Twitter for Business (£90.00) Total price if bought separately: £454.00

Hospitality Staff Refresher Training

Infection Control (£35.00) Level 2 Food Safety – Catering (£25.00) Licensed Premises Staff Training (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £95.00

Promoting a Positive Workplace Environment

Promoting a Positive Workplace Environment Conflict Resolution in the Workplace (£35.00) Customer Service (£35.00) Developing Good Employee Relations (£35.00) Developing Teamwork (£35.00) Equality, Diversity and Discrimination (£35.00) Negotiation (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £210.00

Effective Leadership Skills

Anti Harassment and Bullying (£35.00) Behavioural Safety (£35.00) Disciplinary Procedures (£35.00) Effective Delegation (£35.00) Leadership Skills (£35.00) Managing Meetings (£35.00) Managing Sickness and Absence (£35.00) Project Management (£35.00) Total price if bought separately: £280.00

The Care Certificate – 15 standards

For new induction staff covering all 15 Care Standards.